Sunday, January 5, 2014

Why I Took Five Years Off...

Here's the thing about taking a couple weeks off from writing your blog.  Before you know it, a couple weeks becomes five years, and it's too embarrassing to explain the absence.  I didn't mean to take that much time off.  Really, didn't mean it.

Just kidding.  Happily, I don't have to grovel, claim that I was busy, or otherwise make weak excuses for going almost 5 years between blog posts.  You see, it wasn't procrastination, and I don't feel guilty.  Honest truth is, Attentionality was just a trial balloon that barely survived its launch and was promptly forgotten.

I only decided to become a blogger earlier this week after writing a short deadline open topic article for Attention magazine.  The experience was quite enjoyable and generated a byproduct of the brainstorming list of worthy but discarded topics.  The "reject list" in Evernote got renamed "future blogposts", and I set out to find a blogging platform.

I re-discovered Attentionality at quite by accident.  I started to sign up for a new account when a popup jumped out and said 'You already have an account".  Then a new screen opened, and they dredged the 2009 post out of their archives .  I didn't even recognize my own work at first.  The name sounded inventive and I wondered who had thought it up, then remembered that a younger me had thought it up and braced myself to therefore start disliking it.  Somehow it kept sounding right.  Hope you like it too.

That's how I went from wanting to become a blogger to being a 5-year veteran blogger in about one second.  

Oh, and the other reason that no excuses are needed is that there were only 10 views of the first post.  I'll bet most of them were me checking to see how it looked on various browsers.  So nobody was really waiting for this second post.  Which is why I don't feel bad posting such a feeble excuse for five years off.

See you quite soon.  Unless plans for the 5 year blogging anniversary take up all my writing time.

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